Under societies act XXI of 1860

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YOGA: A Daily Dose To Good Health
Author: Sanjeev Kumar (HOD) Physical Education, Shiksha Bharati Global School2022-02-23 22:04:00
Yoga is a science and not a religion, as religion only focuses on enlightenment and god, whereas yoga provides us with answer to specific questions that relate to physical problems like diseases and emotional problems. It is not only a path of self realization but also an amazing science of fitness and good health. The focus of yoga is to bring together the separate aspects of a man into one. So yoga means to unite or to bring together. Balancing oneself in all circumstances is yoga. Yoga is a way to greater energy, better health, a more youthful figure and relaxed living. Various postures of yoga evoke feelings of tranquility, strength and lucidity of consciousness. Yoga is equality of mind: yoga is skill in work. Yoga has asanas (postures), pranayams (breathing techniques). Almost all health disorders, allergies, aches, pains, etc. are curable through yoga. Asanas allow for better flexibility and relaxation of the muscles. Pranayams help to maintain vibrant health. Yoga also helps to lead a healthy and stress free life.
Importance of Physical Education during Pandemic
Author: Rakesh Sharma (HOD) Physical Education, Shiv Vani Model Senior Secondary School2022-02-23 22:00:00
The benefits of physical education and exercise are countless in number. Physical education helps an individual to maintain his/her physique forever in his lifetime. We are meant to move and many of our body’s systems work better when we are consistently physically active. After this pandemic started in 2020, everything was closed across the globe and people were forced to stay at home. This resulted in lack of physical exercise in many. Here comes the importance of physical exercise during covid-19. Those who knew how to stay fit even after staying at home with the help of physical education were able to maintain their physique even in this tough time. But, those who didn’t know, spoiled their health. Physical education simply includes yoga, jumping, walking, jogging, etc. and many of them do not need a bigger area i.e. they can be practiced at home easily. Many people started taking online yoga sessions which is also a part of physical education. Many started doing a morning walk on their terraces. Many started eating healthy food, etc. For others, the use of home exercise equipment such as treadmills and dumbbells was helpful. In short, physical education has played a significant role in this pandemic.
How mindfulness help during Covid 19
Author: Vandana Dhasmana2022-02-11 18:00:00
Covid19 situation seems long lasting and uncertain. Learning to adapt with the situation which is not only causing anxious in day today life but also putting long lasting impact on human mind and health has become important. In this situation it is important to adopt mindful ways and means to pull the negativity out of once life.

Mindfulness makes individual more focused,peaceful and calm under stressful situations and thoughts. Mindfulness is a meditation in which we become completely aware of the thought, emotions and sensations in our mind and body without judgement. We can learn to be completely present with ourselves and enhance self-awareness and improve the quality of our lives. We can also bring mindfulness to our daily routine. One might eat mindfully, exercise mindfully, do household chores mindfully, perform tasks at work mindfully etc. Mindfulness also decreases the incidence of mental illnesses like depression. It reduces anxiety, stress and stress related disorders. It also helps people with insomnia and high blood pressure(hypertension). It also improves attention span. To practice mindfulness, slow down and experience the physical environment. Observe your thoughts, emotions and behaviors. Use all your senses to perceive the environment around you-touch, sound, smell, taste and sight. You can practice mindfulness anytime and anywhere. It would be useful to find a place in nature that is quiet and away from distractions. In this period of uncertainty and unsafety, we have been constantly worrying about the future possibilities. Practicing mindfulness will bring us back to the present moment and help us in creating the life path we want to create. Self-awareness brings us closer to our life purpose. It also helps with the regulation of emotions and emotional reactions.

Some mindfulness practices are- Walking mindfully When you walk, your back should be upright. All your weight should be on both feet. Make a fist and swing your arms slightly while walking. Feel every part of your feet touch the ground and keep walking at a steady and slow space. Listening mindfully One should listen to the speaker with an open mind, empathetically and develop interest in the conversation. Observe their reactions and your own reactions, thoughts, feelings and judgements about the world. Also ask questions related to the topic. Also use appropriate body language. You should face them during the conversation and also
Author: Hemant Singhal2022-02-07 16:58:00
This paper spotlight the crisis of values in the present scenario among the youth in Indian society and the need for the inculcation of values in youngsters. As a great man Mahatma Gandhi has said: - “commerce without morality, science without humanity, politics without principles and education without values is very dangerous to our society. These days all of us are involved in the fulfillment of our needs. Our family system has moved from joint to nuclear. In recent days, a high degree of stress prevailing in our youth. Our education system is only focusing on academic achievement but the reality of the modern world is to get better opportunities for jobs and less concentration on the student’s behavior and actions. The attitude of youngsters towards the elders is a matter of concern. Teachers and parents must guide the students and inculcate the desirable values amongst them. The present paper is an initiative by the researcher to explore the cause of value crisis among the youth and to analyze the need and importance of value education.